Friday, October 07, 2005

Girl gets in, she looks so much like me (thoug I shine far better, you know). She says:

—Hey, where are you from?
—From Mexico!— I saw her looking at me. She wanted to say something else. —Where are you from?
—From Bosnia.
—People always ask me if I am from Bosnia. — There you are, girl, you can go on. (Lo sé, my ingrish sucks).
—I know! You look so much like Bosnia girls!
—Yeah. Do you live here?— I say this while the elevator stops in my floor. I leave the ride.
—Yeah! 6th floor, what's your name?
—I'm Wachuwáa.

The elevator door closes.


Lady of Shalott said...

tíruriru riru riru

ejem! ok ese fue mi intento de la cancioncita de la dimensión desconocida.

ya es hora de que escribas

Lilia said...

jaj wachuwá

bioluminiscente said...


a. said...

te presto mi hacha ?

Anonymous said...

creo que sera mejor un envenenamiento

Carlos Mal said...


HAHAH esto es oro puro!